417 research outputs found

    Application of digital control to a magnetic model suspension and balance model

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    The feasibility of using a digital computer for performing the automatic control functions for a magnetic suspension and balance system (MSBS) for use with wind tunnel models was investigated. Modeling was done using both a prototype MSBS and a one dimensional magnetic balance. A microcomputer using the Intel 8080 microprocessor is described and results are given using this microprocessor to control the one dimensional balance. Hybrid simulations for one degree of freedom of the MSBS were also performed and are reported. It is concluded that use of a digital computer to control the MSBS is eminently feasible and should extend both the accuracy and utility of the system

    Women as Canang Sari Street Vendors in Bali

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    Every Hindu family in Bali dedicates offerings of Canang Sari on a daily basis. The provision of the offering is not always created by them, but they buy canang sari. This has turned canang sari into a market commodity. Therefore, women have emerged as canang sari street vendors in the several towns in Bali. This study examines the reasons why women do this job, especially in Singaraja Regency. The approach of this research was qualitative study which focused on critical social theory. The results show that the reasons women do such business activities not solely because canang sari street vendors is an informal economic sector, but also it is related to the ownership of economic, social, cultural, and symbolic capitals. This reason is strengthened by the condition of Balinese who have affected by McDonaldization society so they prefer to buy canang sari rather than making it their own

    Commodification of Tri Datu Bracelets Talisman in Balinese Community

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    This article is the result of qualitative research with critical paradigm on two issues, the meaning of tri datu bracelet talisman as well as commodities and reasons of its use. Informants were set purposively, i.e. tri datu bracelet talisman makers, sellers, users, and religious leaders. Data collection techniques were interview, observation and document study. The data analysis followed the steps of conceptualization, the results of conceptualization, verification, and objectivation. The results show that the commodification of tri datu bracelet talisman created commodity or popular tri datu bracelet talisman refers to its position as an artifact for the fulfillment of human basic needs on security. This situation raises the creative industries of tri datu bracelet talisman. The use of this talisman is associated with the meaning of tri datu = Tri Murti = Tri Sakti = Om = Ganesha and reinforced by Pancadewata = kepeng (ancient coin). Therefore, its magical power becomes a supreme power in order to overcome danger from niskala (bhuta Kala and black magic). The joy of wearing this talisman is not only because it is easy to buy, but also because the Balinese still believe in its magical power. More importantly, Tri datu bracelet is also the identity of Balinese ethnic as the identity of hope and resistance in the context of Ajeg Bali movement

    Deconstructing Gender Stereotypes in Leak

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    The belief of Balinese people towards leak still survive. Leak is a magic based on durgaism that can transform a person from human to another form, such as apes, pigs, etc. People tend to regard leak as evil. In general, the evilness is constructed in gender stereotypes, so it is identified that leak are always women. This idea is a power game based on the ideology of patriarchy that provides legitimacy for men to dominate women with a plea for social harmony. As a result, women are marginalized in the Balinese society. Women should be aware of so it would provide encouragement for them to make emancipatory changes dialogically. Kepercayaan orang Bali terhadap leak tetap bertahan sampai saat ini. Leak adalah sihir yang berbasiskan durgaisme yang dapat mengakibatkan seseorang bisa merubah bentuk dari manusia ke wujud yang lain, misalnya kera, babi, dll. Leak termasuk magi hitam sehingga dinilai bersifat jelek. Pada umumnya perempuan diidentikkan dengan leak sehingga melahirkan asumsi yang bermuatan steriotip gender bahwa leak = perempuan. Gagasan ini merupakan permainan kekuasaan berbasis ideologi patriarkhi dan sekaligus memberikan legitimasi bagi laki-laki untuk menguasai perempuan dengan dalih demi keharmonisan sosial. Akibatnya, perempuan menjadi termarginalisasi pada masyarakat Bali. Perempuan harus menyadarinya sehingga memberikan dorongan bagi mereka untuk melakukan Perubahan secara dialogis emansipatoris

    Analisis Biaya Standar sebagai Alat Pengendalian Biaya Produksi pada Ud Wikrama Nutrisindo Desa Padang Sambian Kaja, Denpasar Barat

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perhitungan biaya standar pada UD Wikrama Nutrisindo Desa Padang Sambian Kaja, Denpasar Barat dan biaya standar sebagai alat pengendalian biaya produksi pada UD Wikrama Nutrisindo Desa Padang Sambian Kaja, Denpasar Barat. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis deskriptif kuantitatif dengan analisis varians. Hasil analisis varians menunjukkan bahwa pengendalian terhadap biaya produksi kurang baik. Pengendalian biaya produksi tersebut dapat dilihat dari hasil analisis varians harga bahan baku yang tidak menguntungkan sebesar Rp 8.776.000,00 dan varians kuantitas bahan baku sebesar Rp. 7.930.000,00 yang tidak menguntungkan. Hasil analisis varians tenaga kerja langsung baik tarif maupun efisiensi upah langsung dengan total varians sebesar Rp 0 serta untuk analisis overhead pabrik berupa varians menurut jam kerja sebesar Rp 99.200,00 yang bersifat menguntungkan dan varians menurut tarif sebesar Rp 0. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut Perusahaan perlu melakukan perbaikan terhadap varians yang bersifat tidak menguntungkan dan Perusahaan harus lebih cermat dengan memperhatikan faktor dari dalam Perusahaan maupun dari luar.Kata Kunci : biaya standar, pengendalian dan biaya produksi This study aims to determine the standard cost calculations at UD Wikrama Nutrisindo Padang Sambian Kaja village, West Denpasar and cost standards as a means of controlling the cost of production at UD Wikrama Nutrisindo Padang Sambian Kaja village, Denpasar. This study used a quantitative descriptive analysis with analysis of variance. Results of analysis of variance showed that the control over production costs are less good. Controlling the cost of production can be seen from the results of the analysis of the raw materials price variance unfavorable variance of Rp 8,776,000.00 and quantity of raw materials amounting to Rp 7,930,000.00. Results of analysis of variance direct labor rate and efficiency wages either directly with a total difference of Rp. 0 as well as for the analysis of factory overhead variances according to hours of work in the form of Rp 99200.00 that are favorable and the difference in the rate of Rp 0. Based on these results the company needs to make improvements to the variance that is not profitable and the company should be more carefully by taking into account of the company and from outside.keyword : standard costs, management and cost of production

    Peran Kelembagaan Perdesaan Untuk Keberlanjutan Penerapan SRI Di Kabupaten Karawang

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    Sustainability of System of Rice Intensication (SRI) requires rural institution role. The study was conducted in Karawang and uses institutional economics approach and logit regression. The analysis shows potential problems of SRI related with principal-agent/institutional relation and economics transaction costs. Strengthening the activities within farmer groups will reduce economics transaction costs in beginning of application. Farmer will choose "bagi hasil/revenue sharing" as land management cooperation with moderate risks and transaction costs. Monitoring and incentive mechanism will reduce problems of adverse selection and moral hazard. Some factors which determine the sustainability of SRI are production, principal position, off farm work and ex ante transaction costs

    Structure and energetics of the Si-SiO_2 interface

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    Silicon has long been synonymous with semiconductor technology. This unique role is due largely to the remarkable properties of the Si-SiO_2 interface, especially the (001)-oriented interface used in most devices. Although Si is crystalline and the oxide is amorphous, the interface is essentially perfect, with an extremely low density of dangling bonds or other electrically active defects. With the continual decrease of device size, the nanoscale structure of the silicon/oxide interface becomes more and more important. Yet despite its essential role, the atomic structure of this interface is still unclear. Using a novel Monte Carlo approach, we identify low-energy structures for the interface. The optimal structure found consists of Si-O-Si "bridges" ordered in a stripe pattern, with very low energy. This structure explains several puzzling experimental observations.Comment: LaTex file with 4 figures in GIF forma